Written by STOPP Website Staff (11/01/2018)

It is often said that healthcare workers are on the front lines in discovering victims of human trafficking. Beyond assessment, clinicians are also in a position to confidentially provide information and resources to trafficking victims that they would not be able to obtain in their everyday surroundings, information that would help them to leave the life. Anyone in a healthcare setting may be in a position to recognize human trafficking — from clerical staff to lab technicians, radiology technicians, nursing staff, security, case managers, and physicians.

But given that most victims do not disclose their status in clinical settings, it is critical that healthcare employees be sensitive about engaging patients, employ trauma-informed practices, and be aware of the indicators of trauma and trafficking.

The National Human Trafficking Resource Center (NHTRC) has published Identifying Victims of Human Trafficking: What to Look for in a Healthcare Setting. This 4 page paper lists Indicators to look for in a healthcare setting, and visible consequences of trafficking. It describes how to conduct an assessment, and steps to be taken if trafficking is indicated.

This publication would be helpful in training all employees of a healthcare setting, from clerical, administration, and security, to clinical staff.

To read the entire publication, plus additional resources, please click here.